Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Decisions are difficult!

I've done a lot of thinking. In fact, I think I'm almost always thinking. This thinking however lately, has been keeping me up at night. Okay, working nights 7 shifts in two weeks does keep your body on a late night routine, but still keeping me up....those pesky thoughts.

These thoughts that I think- well on life and change and decisions of the future and the present. Right now Tim and I are trying to find a new place to live. Nothing wrong with where we are now, but we feel it is time to move on from my Mom's place, that she no longer needs us for the purpose that we had moved in to begin with. So, then the delima is where to live. Location is always key, and I sometimes can get a little nervous in certain areas. We've looked around, called around and it's a okay time to be looking escepially if we're not in a rush. But there isn't a ton out there, and you have to jump on something as soon as you see it.

So, I'm up all night thinking and thinking and wondering where we're going to live and when we'll move and all the logistics of long the bus ride would be, for me, for tim, can he car pool with jeff to the u of m. All this stuff...runs all through my head.

And the decision- well, I've got none. All I know, I currently live with my husband at my mom's house. I am going to nursing school in the fall and I work nights and it's tiring. Oh, and I'm running a 10km race on the 25th. That's it.

Hopefully I don't stress myself out about this too much.

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